October 6, 2014

one last visit with my grandma jordan

my grandma jordan is very near the end of her life
so we took this last weekend to see her one more time
i took a few extra pictures of the area and places that hold memories for me 
as we won't have many more visits there
this store used to be be a place we'd buy candies when we were little called sipes store 
 my grandparents' mailbox
 the hill up to their house
 their mailbox

my sweet grandma
 my mom met us there 
and it was so good to see her
i loved watching her hold henry
he looks just like her babies and i could tell she loved it so much

 michael entertained the kiddies outside
and took this picture of them in front of my grandparents' house
i love it

 i just love my mama
i really need to get a picture of olive, me and my mom
the three of us look so much alike
four generation picture
olive couldn't be bothered to come
 michael's parents and grandma met us for lunch
and it was so fun to see them
 noah loves to chat great grandma shirley's ear off about dinosaurs 
 we barely made the ferry 
we were the last ones on and jumped for joy

 henry looked so cute in the little brought him
 pulling in to our beloved city
 so gorgeous
 we took a trip to ikea
and i thought it was funny that it's been almost exactly 8 years since our first date
to the seattle ikea
and now here were are with our five kids
 my sister monica was so gracious and let us stay both nights at her house
in return for letting henry fill her baby fix
 the kids loved playing with their cousins, too
 i am so grateful we live close enough to be able to go for weekend trips to see our family
even if it's never enough time
it was so good to see my grandma one more time
i am sad to be losing her
but so grateful for her life
and excited for her to be reunited with my grandpa

my grandma passed away this morning 10-7-2014
i am soo, so grateful we saw her while we had the chance
she is in a better place now


andre'a said...

breaks. my. heart.

andre'a said...

such happy pics, though.

{natalie} said...

I'm so glad you got to go. It's nice when you can stay with family and make it work. I'm sure your Grandma knew you were there and was happy. Your mom and Henry are really cute together.

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma and I'm glad you were able to visit her and remember all of the good times. Your family is so beautiful!

Monica said...

It was so good to see you guys! My Henry fix didn't last very long, though...
I'm glad you got to spend some time with Grandma and settle things before she passed.

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma's passing. I am glad you were able to get in a quick visit before she returned to be with your grandpa. Love you Rachael!