October 15, 2014

kitchen progress

the kitchen isn't quite done
but it's getting there!
we've been working on it quite a bit
but first, a reminder of how terrible it looked when we moved in

we have now grouted the tile
 it definitely changed the look of it
but it's exactly what we envisioned and we're really happy with it
 we had a little issue
deciding what to do here
and regretted tiling it, ripped it off too late
and now this is what it looks like between our windows
not great but we aren't going to let it bring us down
we'll fix it eventually
 despite not having a butcher block counter top yet, we couldn't stand the extra tall island any longer
so michael got out his saw and cut it off
 he thinks it's so cool he gets to do stuff like cut our counter off
he felt pretty awesome doing it
 oddly he found a note INSIDE of our island
that was a gross descriptive....i want to call it a love letter but it was more of a lust letter
this is extra odd because our house is less than 10 years old
so it doesn't really make sense in any way....we threw it away
and the next morning when michael left me a note before work he tried to mimic it
which was hilarious
 it looked so much better off the bat
to finally be able to see into the kitchen
rather than have your view blocked
 so much better
but so much dustier
not fun to clean up all of these messes all the time
while living here
and trying to function and use our kitchen in between
 for now this is what our island looks like
a piece of plywood covering the open wall
and the counter we'll soon be replacing
 it's pretty sad this looks better than the original island
 then this last weekend we finally painted!
we liked the open look wit these dishes while we painted
so we may replace the original cupboard doors with glass pane ones
 first we sanded and painted the surround of the cupboards
 then we brought all the cupboards outside to be sanded
and cleaned and painted
 it was a big fat pain and took our whole weekend
i literally didn't leave the house all weekend
except for church
 sunday night michael hung the doors all back up
and i took this picture to show you the mess that these projects make
 i spent all of monday cleaning
so i could finally see our pretty kitchen
isn't it wonderful?
the next things to do are...
touch up the paint on the cupboards, seal it, and add knobs
put the butcher block counter top on the island
replace the black dishwasher with a stainless steel one that works better
paint the walls gray
replace the floor
because despite it looking good here, it's not
and we want uniform floors throughout the downstairs
we may also switch out the can lights above the island for some pendant lights
but all in all it's a huge improvement already
and we are super happy with it
i was pretty nervous about the amount of work this house would take to make it how we want it
when we moved in
but michael is really nailing it helping to bring all my kitchen dreams to life
i can't wait for it to be all done


donna said...

Michael has done a great job! The kitchen is looking better already.

Monica said...

You guys have been BUSY!!! It's the worst living in a space that you are remodeling, huh? But it's beautiful!

Kristin said...

It's looking amazing! I'm so impressed. Any cabinet painting advice? What did you use?

miriam said...

So awesome. My house looks 10x worse when I do a simple project like work on Halloween costumes. I can't imagine what would happen if I did some actual, house updating project. Seriously though, the kitchen looks fantastic already.

Natalie Smith said...

so much work, but I LOVE it!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

It is like a totally different kitchen! Seriously you guys are doing and incredible job! And so fast! I will live vicariously through you because I would pick a lot of those finishes too :)