June 5, 2014

what a week...so far

michael started work on monday
he seems to like it so far which is great!
 it's been a bit of an adjustment on this end...
 we're always reallllly happy when he gets home
 we've been keeping busy here
really, really busy depending on which person in particular we're referring to
sometimes the kids are already playing outside by like 8am
 i'm feeling really accomplished when i get dressed and do my hair/make-up
 i made sure to document it since it doesn't happen every day
and one day this week i even went until 6pm without brushing my teeth or any other grooming
 any hopes of putting the tv away for summer 
have been dashed
i need the tv to help relieve some of the crazy

 at least i have a cute baby to snuggle
some days he hardly naps so we get lots and lots of snuggles..
 noah's been drawing (in between super mario brothers sessions) which i love
 i've been doing some projects/ getting all the rooms decorated
i traded out 4 framed cow pictures from habitat for humanity restore
for pretty pages from my favorite floral calendar 
i loooove them
 henry's making up for the not sleeping some days by 
sleeping lots other days and giving cute smiles in between
 eleanor helps keep me on my toes by making constant messes,
requesting food all day long that she never eats
and occasionally using my nice make up on her legs..
five kids definitely got harder once michael started working this week
one day he was gone for 11 hours because of a late meeting
i didn't expect this week to kick my butt so much
but...five kids on summer vacation kind of does that to you
not to mention not having a car until today..
luckily we have two cars again thanks to michael's dad for selling us his and delivering it last night
i've also stopped eating sweets and sticking to three healthy meals this week
i want rid of this excess baby weight
but it's not helping my stress level to not stress eat
wish me luck i can survive this summer! 


Debbie said...

I would wish you luck but I don't really think you need it. You are a strong focused woman who rises to any challenge put in front of her. You can do this!

{natalie} said...

You've got this lady. It's an adjustment for sure, especially since Michael had the last little bit of time free. Soon you will have lots of friends to share your kids with and meet at the park and take to the splash pad with. I wish one of them was me!

Natalie Smith said...

Oh...I can't even imagine how adjusting to Michael working and having everyone home has been. You'll find a routine and it will get better. Hang in there.

miriam said...

I totally understand the long days. Garrett's days are about 15 hours, but I only have 2 kids. And he makes up for it by having more days at home. I can't imagine being alone for 1 hour with 5, let alone 11! You're amazing!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

If anyone can handle this it is you! You have the best attitude and are such a good mom! Your kids are all looking so grown up, especially Eleanor! It is like once you had Henry, she wasn't a baby anymore! I am glad that you are getting settled and I love the flower pictures! We are coming to Boise to visit my friend Tracy and I would LOVE to see you if you are up for it! Love you!

Cisneros Family said...

It's fun catching up in your blog!! You're an amazing mom!! I can't even imagine 5!! 2 does me in some days!