November 16, 2013


michael's parents came to town yesterday 
and agreed to watch our kiddies over night so we could go on a babymoon
we realized now was our chance and we'd better take it
we stayed in the peery hotel in downtown salt lake
it is over 100 years old
 here we are in the lobby
this is in the lobby, too
 here's our room
sweet bed canopy

our bathroom was pretty sweet 
other than only having hot water...and not cold
so flushing the toilet was tricky and we couldn't shower without burning ourselves
the front desk said...sorry...
oh well, we liked it anyway
we got ready to go out on the town and took a picture in our room's mirror
 we had dinner at the cheesecake factory
and while we waited for our table we shopped for our new little baby boy
i'd been saving my pennies (hair money) and we got lots of cute things
isn't this guy the cutest?
after dinner and shopping we stopped for slurpees on the way back to our hotel

then we had a nice kid free night's sleep 
i wish i'd slept in more but the baby on my bladder wouldn't allow it
kids! (kidding)
then we got up and packed up 
and headed out to breakfast
i brought cards and we played while we drank hot chocolate and waited for our food
going out to eat without kids is sooo much more relaxing!
and extra fun with this guy
it was so nice to have a night (and morning) without kids
and celebrate this new little one on the way
thank you to michael's parents who not only took excellent care of our kids,
but spoiled them rotten with games at chuck-e-cheese, dinner at mcdonalds and new little toys
the kids are probably disappointed we didn't stay away longer :) 

ps..if you're interested
we also went on one with hazel to seattle but that was before i blogged


Tami said...

Isn't city creek great? We love going there. (Also got to love the billion 7-Eleven's that line the streets of Salt Lake)

leighmichellec said...

thats wonderful! So pretty Rachel :)

Natalie Smith said...

so glad you got to get-a-way! what a treat. all of your food is making me hungry!

Christie said...

what a fun tradition! I'm glad you got to catch your breath for a moment before this little boy shows up!

The Asay's said...

You guys are the smartest with going on baby moons. What fun