August 22, 2013

noah's first day of second grade and olive's first day of ballet

 noah has his first day of second grade today
he is really excited and a little nervous not to be a first grader any more
suddenly i feel so old having a second grader
 hazel and her friend james are both really excited for kindergarten 
and hung out near the bus stop for a little bit this morning
the kindergartners start next week
 hazel and olive also started ballet and tap again today
 this is hazel's third year of ballet and second year of tap
 and olive's first year of ballet and second year of tap
 i think eleanor thinks she's ready to dance, too
 hazel loved being back at her studio 
she is taking the same class as last year, i could move her up 
but i like her class and olive's being next to each other....
hopefully she doesn't get bored
 olive looked like a pro tapping
and really enjoyed her first pre-ballet class
she did a really good job and tried super hard


Charlene said...

Your kids are getting too big. :)

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

They are growing up so quickly! And the girls look so pretty in their dance outfits. I seriously love Olive's hair. So cute :)

Janet said...

Dance is so cute at this age. They make up such sweet dances. Congratulations on Noah's first day! I hope he had a great time.

Natalie Smith said...

Rylee did the same class two years in a row for ballet and really enjoyed being one of the best in the class. :) Hopefully, that will be the same for you!
Yea for school and dance again. We have another week and Ry is going crazy!

Christie said...

you can tell they just love being little dancers! so cute. and wow - Noah is in second grade?! crazy. I hope he and Hazel have a great school year!

Christie said...

you can tell they just love being little dancers! so cute. and wow - Noah is in second grade?! crazy. I hope he and Hazel have a great school year!

Christie said...

uuuhhhh...don't know why that comment posted twice. I guess I just REALLY meant it?

andre'a said...

yay for dance class! what pretty girls!