March 27, 2013

eleanor's (hopefully last) GI check up

So just a reminder of Eleanor's issues: At 5 weeks Eleanor began to have blood in her stool.
She was a breastfed baby so I cut out milk protein from my diet for the next 2 months. She continued to have blood in her stool and it was increasing. This meant that she also had what we assume was a soy allergy. The two go hand in hand about 50% of the time. Our doctor was concerned that with how young she was, and the increasing blood in her stool she may have permanent damage to her colon so we switched to formula. She was on nutramigen for the next few months and still had small traces of blood in her stool. When we saw the GI here, he prescribed Elecare, a specialized formula that doesn't contain any milk protein or soy. The blood has gone away completely and we were able to introduce solids without any trouble. We've gradually introduced foods with milk protein in them and Eleanor has done great.
This last month or so, we've even given her straight cheese and little bits of ice cream without any ill effects. Today I went to the GI to follow up and get his advice on what to do next. He thinks we are ok to introduce milk and she may be over her allergies completely. A lot of babies outgrow it by the time they are 12-18 months old. If she has any bad reactions to it we will have her blood tested for allergies and switch her to Elecare Jr until she's 18 months old. Then we will re-evaluate and see if she needs almond or soy milk instead. Either way, I am really excited about her progress and super hopeful she is over it. Next week she turns one so we will probably introduce milk this next week. Wish her luck. 

ps. I have said the word stool way more times this last year than I hoped I would in my lifetime
pss. I've had a feeling she would be fine after a year
psss. Eleanor has never been fussy, even when she has had blood in her stool. luckily she never seemed to be in pain


miriam said...

I hope it all goes well and she really has outgrown her allergies!

Natalie Smith said...

great news!!!!

KT said...

good luck this week! I am so happy for you that she seems to have outgrown all her issues!
