January 5, 2013

ready for bed

i'm not making any real resolutions this year
but i do want to be better about taking pictures of the kids
i take a lot of pictures, sure, but i don't have many of them all together
and i don't use our nice camera as often as i should
i've also been working on making sure i'm really connecting with each of them
on a daily basis
that probably sounds funny if you only have one or two kids
but when there are lots of kids
it can be tricky to do more than just take care of basic needs
and i want to really make sure each of my children
feels loved and special
that's all


Natalie Smith said...

Those are great goals. Even with two it takes an effort to give them alone time and special moments...I can't imagine doing it with four.
Cute jammie picture.

Marie said...

That sure is an adorable bunch of kids!! We miss your sweet family here!

andre'a said...

that's so good, Frenchie! I saw a blog of a lady (Nina in Portugal) who every Friday at 5:12 would set an alarm and take a picture of whatever was happening that day. and p.s.) I'm not sure anyone can understand how hard it is to have 4 kids, 6 and under. If you need a date night a week with each one to have/give those special loves, I think it's totally worth it. love you!

Marsa said...

your little kids are so cute! :)
i havent made a resolution this year either haha

Kate Clayton said...

They all look so happy in that picture! You are an amazing mommy!